Jun 19, 2015
We took a trip out to Bucks County Brewery in Pipersivlle, PA on one of their popular Food Truck Fridays to talk with owner, brewer and Renaissance Man Andrew Knechel. Andrew talked about the brewery's beginnings, trying to keep up with the demand for his excellent beers, some of his favorite concoctions and various other interests, hobbies and distractions. Dan shared his joy (misplaced, in this editor’s opinion) over Taco Bell’s recent decision to serve alcohol, we played There’s Weird in My Beer in Happy Fun Time and Steph gave us the low down on English Mild Ales in Know Your Beers. After recording and sharing Andrew’s delicious brews, we stayed to enjoy the tunes of The Mike & Brian Project and tasty eats from Phoebe’s BBQ and Mr. D’s Nomadic Kitchen.