Jan 6, 2023
We kick off Dry January with a brewery producing some of (if not the) best non-alcohol brews available. Joining us are Zoe Riccio, Director of Global QA and Compliance, and Russ Meister, Head of Quality, at Athletic Brewing. With facilities on both coasts, Athletic not only produces world-class liquid without the booze, they are also committed to being positive, inclusive, encouraging, collaborative, and people who are known to be a force of good. We chat about the inspiration for an exclusively NA brewery, try to extract what secrets we can about the process, learn about all the considerations that come along with producing NA beer – many of which we wouldn’t have thought of, and much more. In Happy Fun Time, we play a round of Libation or Fabrication: The Moving Pictures Edition, a game all about beer names inspired by movies and tv. Whether your January is fully dry, a little drier than usual, or if you just want a flavorful option without the booze any time of year, you can find Athletic cans just about anywhere there is beer, and you won’t regret giving it a try.
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